2023 Design Industry Statistics of Korea: English Report Out Now
Korea Design Institute of Promotion (KIDP) conducts a statistical survey each year to uncover the current status of the Korean design industry. We aim to collect objective and reliable data that assesses the present state of the design industry, offer support programs that meet the needs of the industry, and provide basic data that can be referenced when establishing design policies and strategies for the government, industry, and the academic world.
After the annual overall results and performance of the survey’s target companies and local governments, etc., have been all sorted and collected, a survey is conducted in the following year to ensure accurate data collection rather than simple estimates.
We also provide status of the overseas design industry at the last chapter of our report, based on publications by authorizied organizations overseas. Overseas design industry statistics compares Korea and other major countries on various indicators of the design industry. It is difficult to make simple comparisons due to different design classifications and survey criteria by country, but it has significance in grasping the scale of design-related statistics in major countries.
▶Survey Period and Target Period
• Survey Duration - General and Companies Utilizing Design : 2023. 10. 10. ~ 2023. 11. 30.