About KIDP
The Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) is the only design body in Korea to plan and implement national design policies and strategies.
An introduction to our history from 1970 all the way up to the present day.
KIDP News+
Annoucing the 5th Korea+Sweden Young Design Award
The 5th “Korea+Sweden Young Design Award” calls for entries:- The Korea Institute of Design Promotion, The Embassy of Swden in Korea, and IKEA Kor...
Stories & Cases+
Introducing 2024 Seoul Design Award Winners
Introducing 2024 Seoul Design Award Winners- International design projects that contribute to a harmony between people, society and the environmentIn 2010, Seoul was designated a City of Des...
We have our domestic
and international
branches as well as
other design networks
around the globe
for cooperative activities.
Korea Design
We conduct annual statistical surveys of the design industry. Based on the data from these surveys, we do our best to create highly effective policies and programs by having a grasp on the exact status of the industry.

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